Friday, May 20, 2011

what do you think?

I have been taking the training course for a new job I just started and yesterday our whole class was kicked out of class an hour early because of something that was said by one of the students.  OK here goes... Ready for it..??  She said the word nigger knocking, now I can understand how that could be offensive to people, me personally I was not offended by this statement as I am smart enough to know that she was talking about something that most of us have done in our childhood and not making a derogatory statement about any person/persons.  Now here is the issue........

     Our instructor apparently is extremely sensitive and proceeded to turn bright red in the face, I actually thought he was going to explode for moment.  Then he tells us to log out and go home, he vilified the whole class for the action of one.  Now for a little back story.....

     Our class has alot of "Type A" people in it so as a consequence it is a much more demanding class.  The majority of the class are all competent learners and are ambitious as well.  The part of the class that is slower is slower to an extreme that if our instructor takes 45 min to explain a simple item to one person (which happens regularly) the rest of the class becomes bored, we lose focus, and the result is that we chat and joke with each other.  There have been several instances where language has been an issue and maybe the subject was not the most appropriate for a class room setting.

Here's the problem
     Our instructor is placing the blame on the class, when in actuality he is also responsible for this, it is policy to write up someone who breaks these rules and yet he has not done it.  In my opinion he should have put his foot down from day one and set a standard right from the beginning, not pussy footed around the issue for four weeks and then finally be an ass about it because its gone to far.  They use  the phrase "Own the problem" Well I don't think that he is "Owning" his problem.  I don't believe that it was right to penalize the whole class for the actions of one.  Yes other people in the class laughed, myself included, but for myself i laughed at the shock from hearing it said. I tend to laugh when I get anxiety or become nervous as I am sure other people do.  So now we have to go into class today and I'm sure we will talk about it, which what good with that do?  Basically we are going to class today to be spanked as a group because we are bad children, Or is it just bad parenting from our instructor?