Thursday, February 24, 2011


What is it that makes a man, if indeed that is what you call him, treat the woman that he loves like trash?  I mean come on the girl works Two jobs to your one, which you don't even work that much at and you have the nerve to yell at her because the dishes are not done.  Where exactly is she supposed to find time to do that when she works three doubles a week plus single shifts all week at both jobs?  Do you not realize that you would have nothing without her? No car, No nice place to live, no money.  While you sit your ass at home for most of the week what do you do?? oh i know, nothing, well other than sitting on your ass thinking of reasons to yell at her.  She deserves better than you are giving her.  You constantly yell at her that she isnt ready for having a family or life for that matter but are you?  I'm sorry that it hurts your ego that she is the bread winner in the family but why dont you do something about that?  Go get a real job, one that can actually support your family? then maybe she could quite one of the jobs and be a better housekeeper but untill then you should just shut up and accept that the only reason you are not where you want to be in life is because of yourself and the actions you have made or lack there of.  The reality is that as long as she is working two jobs it is your responsibility to keep the house and children in order.  Stop Being an ASS!!!!

oh and if I judged people the way that you want me to judge a certain friend of ours I would never have been your friend because nobody had anything nice to say about you. I choose to judge people on their own merrits not what others say about them.

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