Monday, February 28, 2011

Court backs decision to bar Christian foster couple Mr and Mrs Johns said they could not tell a child homosexuality was an acceptable lifestyle Continue reading the main story Related Stories Foster pair 'doomed' by gay views Foster bid refused over 'beliefs' A decision to bar a Christian couple from fostering children because of their views on homosexuality has been backed at the High Court.

There was a story posted on facebook that dealt with some issues of discrimination.  This article is about a christian couple in Derby London that was denied an application to be foster parents because of their beliefs on Homosexuality. ,

I agree with the courts ruling in that we must protect the children.  If we allow children to go to homes where there is discrimination of any kind we as a society are condoning that discrimination.  I was raised in a strict christian home and I know full well what is taught to the children in the church and it is discrimination.  I discussed this with my good friend and she has different views.  She does not see how that is discrimination and put the argument out there that it is better than placing kids into homes that advocate homosexuality but beat the kids and I agree to a point.  She also said that in the articles Mrs. Johns did not say that she would tell the child that homosexuality is wrong so it would appear that the subject just wouldn't come up.  I do not agree, as a child that was raised in a christian home I have to tell you everything comes up, and that was one of the first things, I was taught at an early age that homosexuality is wrong and that those that practice it are sinners and going to hell along with the Mormons, Catholics, Jehovah Witness's, and many other people who might have a different belief system.  The thing I find the most ironic is the fact that the couple is black.  You would think that of all  people  they would not advocate discrimination of any kind.

It would appear that most christian have forgotten what being a christian is about.  It is not your place to judge others and tell them they are wrong.  Jesus said to lead by example, and accept all even sinners.  Did the Christians of the world forget that Jesus was friends with Mary Magdalene? A common whore yet he treated her the same as everyone else.  As Christians it is not your job to tell people they are wrong and sinning but to lead them down the right road by example.

So......... As I said before I do agree with the courts ruling on this subject and the thing that made up my mind was this statement made by Mrs. Johns "   She said: "They asked 'what would you do if a child came home at the age of 10 and said to you that they've been picked on because they're homosexual?' 'Do you know you'd have to tell them it's ok to be homosexual'?
"I said, I can't do that. My Christian beliefs won't let me do that.
"I would try and assure the child the best I can and tell them... I am a Christian and I don't believe in homosexuality but I can give you as much love and security as I possibly can."

Honey all that love and security isn't going to do jack if that child is made to feel like the bully is right about his sexual orientation.  And you making the statement that you don't believe in homosexuality is just reinforcing the bullies actions.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


What is it that makes a man, if indeed that is what you call him, treat the woman that he loves like trash?  I mean come on the girl works Two jobs to your one, which you don't even work that much at and you have the nerve to yell at her because the dishes are not done.  Where exactly is she supposed to find time to do that when she works three doubles a week plus single shifts all week at both jobs?  Do you not realize that you would have nothing without her? No car, No nice place to live, no money.  While you sit your ass at home for most of the week what do you do?? oh i know, nothing, well other than sitting on your ass thinking of reasons to yell at her.  She deserves better than you are giving her.  You constantly yell at her that she isnt ready for having a family or life for that matter but are you?  I'm sorry that it hurts your ego that she is the bread winner in the family but why dont you do something about that?  Go get a real job, one that can actually support your family? then maybe she could quite one of the jobs and be a better housekeeper but untill then you should just shut up and accept that the only reason you are not where you want to be in life is because of yourself and the actions you have made or lack there of.  The reality is that as long as she is working two jobs it is your responsibility to keep the house and children in order.  Stop Being an ASS!!!!

oh and if I judged people the way that you want me to judge a certain friend of ours I would never have been your friend because nobody had anything nice to say about you. I choose to judge people on their own merrits not what others say about them.

A thought on Nursing homes, Particularly Extendicare facilities

I have been working as a Certified Nursing Assistant for 11yrs and have had the great displeasure of working in several facilities owned and operated by Extendicare.  I am outraged and sick that our state is letting this company continue on in business.  I first started working for Extendicare at a facility called "The Gardens" located in Spokane WA, at one point during my two year employment at this facility I walked in for my daily shift and was informed that I had 50 residents that were my responsibility for the day.  On average an aid has 8-12 resident to take care of in an 8 hour period and you barely have time to get everything done for each resident.   Extendicare has just over 20 facilities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, Only one of these facilities is above a one star rating and its located in Oregon. Their other facilities are constantly on state watch and receive fines and tags almost on a monthly basis. Here is a link to some reviews of the Extendicare corportation,  This is a link to the Medicare website where you can compare nursing homes in your area, if you look for extendicare facilities you will find that my earlier statement about the star rating is true.|9|Windows+Vista&language=English&defaultstatus=0&pagelist=Home&CookiesEnabledStatus=True

This is a website that gives you a rating on the nursing home of your choice,
note that Extendicare Facilities are on the national watch list look for these names
Evergreen Nursing and Rehab Center
Franklin Hills Health and Rehab
Gardens on University
The stats on these nursing homes is the "Norm"
rating for most of Extendicares facilities.  Please consider this and choose wisely when placing your loved one in a care facility make sure you research all aspects of that facility.
This is a link to the national watch list for nursing homes, if the home you are considering in on this list you should reconsider your choices.

How can this be??

So I have been taking the public transportation route for a while and I have to say that for Olympia to have won some award for the best transit system is the biggest joke of the year.  The buses don't actually get you anywhere in any kind of reasonable time frame and none of the buses match up so on average you spend at least a half hour waiting for your next bus to come.  Nine times out of ten the bus your on will get there about 5 minutes after your connecting bus has left.  There are alot of people who ride the bus here so you would think that they would have a more functional system not to mention that its the capitol of our state.  The buses only run every half hour except for two buses that run every fifteen minutes so if you are going anywhere in lacey you should be on time but if your going anywhere else in Olympia you better plan on leaving at the least an hour early to account for the time you will spend waiting.  I have a problem with this system because I moved from Spokane and have to say that they have a very functional transit system.  I can go anywhere for two hours for one dollar, here you pay a dollar every time you get on a new bus.  What this means to me is that in Spokane I could go pick up my check, take a bus, go to the bank to cash it, take a bus, go shopping, take a bus, pay bills, take a bus and then home.  In spokane I can do all this for a dollar in a two hour time period.  Here I have to plan to be on the bus or waiting for the bus for hours, pay for a day pass when I don't need one, and then deal with the frustration of the bus schedules.  I wish that Olympia would take a hard look at the transit system here and have some realizations.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have started this blog to express personal opinion about subjects of interest to me.  Please feel free to comment on my blogs but dont get upset if I dont agree or delete your comment.  After all thats why this is my blog lol